
Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 voor Android

  • Gratis

  • In Nederlands
  • V 1.0
  • 4.3

  • Beveiligingsstatus


Gurbani Kirtan Mp3: Een uitgebreide verzameling van Sikh devotionele muziek

Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 is a free Android application developed by IM Developers Iknoor Mehra. This multimedia program falls under the category of Music & Radio, specifically catering to the Sikh community. The app offers a vast collection of Shabad, Gurbani, Kirtan, Path, Nitnem, and Simran, making it a comprehensive resource for Sikh devotional music.

The term "Gurbani" refers to the compositions of the Sikh Gurus, with "Gur" representing the Guru and "bani" meaning word. Through this app, users can access a wide range of Shabad Gurbani songs, including the universal song of God, "Japji," composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the Sikh faith.

Managed and updated by Harmeet Kaur Mehra, Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 offers various features such as Punjabi Shabad Kirtan, Kirtan downloads, live Gurbani streaming 24/7, and a history of Sikhism and Sikh Gurus. Users can also download Gurbani mp3 files for offline listening.

It's important to note that the content provided in this app is sourced from the public domain. Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 simply provides an organized way for users to select and listen to Mp3 Kirtan.

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Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 voor Android

  • Gratis

  • In Nederlands
  • V 1.0
  • 4.3

  • Beveiligingsstatus

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